Full Service

I am your partner in all aspects of the home buying and selling process. I have connections with service providers across the country, featuring fantastic customer service and reliable representatives. Explore a list of my service partners below.
Michelle Scoggins
New York Life Insurance Co.
CA Insurance License #4387312
2999 Douglas Blvd Ste 350
Roseville, CA 95661
Mobile: (916)799-3079
Providing financial security and peace of mind in a world that needs it now more than ever.

Service Provider #2

Christina Herzig

Guaranteed Rate Mortgage Co.

VP of Mortgage Lending
NMLS: 220962


Service Provider #3

Replace text with description of Service Provider #3.

Service Provider #4

Replace text with description of Service Provider #4.

Service Provider #5

Replace text with description of Service Provider #5.

Service Provider #6

Replace text with description of Service Provider #6.

Service Provider #1

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To delete this row, hover over this section with your cursor and click “x”. To duplicate this row, hover over this section with your cursor and select the box icon.

Service Provider #2

Replace text with description of Service Provider #2.

Let’s work together to make the home buying or selling process easier and more rewarding than ever.